Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, December 31, 2023

Beloved Children, Abandon Yourselves in My Arms Also Like My Little Baby Jesus

Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of December 26, 2023


This afternoon the Virgin Mary appeared in a pinkish dress; She was wrapped in a large blue-green mantle. The mantle was wide, and the same mantle also covered Her head. Mother had Baby Jesus in Her arms, wrapped in Her large mantle, lying on Her chest. The Virgin Mary, on Her head was a crown of twelve shining stars. Her feet were barefoot and under Her feet was the world. Mother had a beautiful smile, Jesus was awake, emitting little wails. The Virgin Mary and Jesus were enveloped in a great light. The Child was beautiful, His little hands were touching the Virgin's face. Mother was surrounded by many Angels singing a sweet melody.

Praised be Jesus Christ

Dear children, I love you, I love you immensely.

Children, rejoice with Me, pray with Me. Beloved children, abandon yourselves in My arms also like My little baby Jesus. Surrender yourselves with trust, do it with love and simplicity. Entrust yourselves to Me with extreme abandonment and do not fear. I love you and do not leave you alone.

Beloved children, also today I ask you for prayer for this humanity that is increasingly turning away from God to follow the false beauties of this earth. Many are rebelling against God and believe they can achieve salvation on their own.

My children, no one can be saved without God, only God saves.

My beloved children, My heart is torn with sorrow to see so much evil, but I rejoice when I see that many are committed and striving to love and seek Jesus.

My children, please be true witnesses of My love. I have been among you for a long time but many of you still have not accepted Me.

Children, also today I ask you to form Cenacles of Prayer. Let your homes be small domestic hearths. Consecrate your families and your children to My Immaculate Heart.

Children, be small like children, be simple and pure in heart.

Then at this point, the Virgin Mary asked me to pray with Her. She knelt down with the child and we began to pray together, we prayed for a long time. In a special way we prayed for the Church, not only the Universal Church, but also for the local Church.

After praying, Our Lady resumed speaking.

My children, learn to thank God for everything He gives you, you unfortunately are only used to asking, but it is also important to thank and praise God.

My children, be light for those who still live in darkness.

Finally, Our Lady blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary

Source: ➥